Scattered records of the Wisconsin Baptist State Convention, of the Wisconsin Free Baptist Yearly Meeting which merged with the State Convention in 1913, and of various regional and local Baptist groups and churches. State Convention records include State Board minutes, State Mission Society records, treasurer's records, and files of State Superintendent Ezra G. Roth, of Investment Treasurer T. Knudsen, and of the Dept. of Christian Education. Records of the affiliated groups include those of the Northern Wisconsin Baptist Association and the Southwestern Baptist Association; proceedings of the Wisconsin Baptist Ministerial Association; records of various church women's organizations; and records of local congregations and of the Milwaukee Baptist Union. Information on youth activities, on missionaries' support and activities, and on development of the American Baptist Assembly at Green Lake, Wis., are present, as are reminiscences and other documentation of early years of Baptist activity in Wisconsin. Free Baptist records include annual meeting minutes (1845-1914), State Board minutes (1892-1913), Mission Society records (1888-1913), Advocates of Christian Fidelity minutes (1892-1912), and other items. Local records are primarily those of defunct local congregations and represent both Free Baptist and regular Baptist affiliates. Minutes and financial records predominate. The processed portion of this collection is summarized above, dates 1842-1955, and is described in the register. Additional accessions date 1847-1966 and are described below.